Planning For Rain on Your Wedding Day

Feb 23, 2022


The words  ‘but what if it rains?’ are commonly heard on this unpredictable island when planning a wedding.  The truth is that If the heavens want to open up as your guests tuck into their first crab-mouse and herb canape, then they shall, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. If puddles form big enough to drown your irregular choice of wedding shoes, then there nothing can be done. So what do you need to do? Simple –EMBRACE IT! Here are a few tips to help you when planning for rain on your wedding day. Grab a brew and have a gander…


First of all, it may seem like it is always raining in England, but in fact, it only rains around 29% of the days in the UK. There’s a good chance you will be rain-free!

The rapid speed at which information is available today is not always useful. If you are there a few days before your wedding continuously refreshing the met-office/BBC/ITV weather apps in the hope that the 90% chance of storms is going to disappear, put down your phone and step away. The below photograph was taken whilst all of the major weather apps said that we should be under a torrential storm. The weather apps are not always accurate my friends, so don’t lose all hope.

However, I have to say that sometimes these weather experts with their digital weather stations, anemometers, barometers can (sometimes) get it right. I once, many years ago now, got stranded in the middle of nowhere due to flooding from a sudden storm. I spoke to my Grandma that evening who said ‘but why didn’t you check the weather forecast before you set off, Anna?’ and I said ‘because they’re rarely right, Grandma’. Oh how she laughed. But I would encourage you to do as I did and just don’t worry about the forecast. If it rains, it rains and it’s how you cope with it that’s important.


If all those uniformed groups of our childhoods taught us anything, it should be to be prepared. A few simple steps can make sure that even if your day is invaded by unwanted showers, you and your guests will all still have the best time!

First of all, there are a few things that it’s worth having in someone’s boot in case you need them. Wellies for the bride and bridesmaids are a great idea as stilettos are not great for puddle jumping (now there’s an idea…). Your photographer or venue might have umbrellas to hand but you can also order them or hire them if you think they’re going to be needed. These match perfectly with wedding colours and look very elegant. A couple of towels and come carrier bags also come in very useful! I have had several brides take a wrap with them during rainy shoots which looks lovely and helps to keep you dry. 

Have a think about your venue and the best places for guests to be if the rain does come. Many venues now have large parasols or verandas that guests can easily stand under until the rain passes if they do not want to go inside. Discussing with your photographer a wet-weather plan for group photographs is also important as they may have some great ideas of where they can be done. Don’t worry if your wedding doesn’t have any obvious places – trees, walls and umbrellas can make great temporary cover. 


No handstands are needed! If you can have some flexibility on your timings, then it will be easier to work around the rain. If you plan your group photographs at 2.00pm, but it’s chucking it down, why not reassess the weather at 2.30pm or 3.00pm? Allowing plenty of time for flexibility and keeping your group photographs to a minimum can really help with this.


You may have noticed until now I haven’t mentioned the couple’s portraits. This is because unlike the group photographs where there are lots of needs that may be difficult to care for in the rain – e.g. Aunty Hilda who’s on crutches after breaking her ankle skiing and little Lucy who is terrified of water and will not stay outside for more than a few minutes – the bride and groom portraits can easily be done in the rain. And what’s more, the rain can even make them a little bit more epic. Rain brings with it beautiful diffused light and gorgeous reflections. Everything can just seem a little bit more magical when nature takes over. There is nothing quite like dancing in the rain (both actually doing it and the movie.

Top Tips for planning for rain on your wedding day:

  1. Just don’t fret – if it happens, it happens
  2. Get those rain accessories ready – umbrellas and wellies
  3. Find some locations that are dry as a plan b for groups, portraits and general weddingness.
  4. Enjoy it! Dance and sing Alanis Morissette at the top of your voice.

Hey There!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post!

My name is Anna and I’m a photographer based in North West England specialising in fun and chilled weddings. Please check out the rest of my blog for more wedding inspiration and planning tips or follow me on instagram.

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